Our Team

Thomas Roder, PhD

Co-founder, CEO, CTO

Thomas Roder, OpenGenomeBrowser's creator, is passionate about microbial genomics, automation through Python, and web technologies. He has a background in biochemistry and is a University of Bern alumnus.

Social Media

Rémy Bruggmann, PD

Co-founder, CSO, CMO

Rémy is the Head of the Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit at the University of Bern and a Group Leader at the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. As such, he contributes significant expertise to Abrinca. His background in Bioinformatics for Next-Generation Sequencing at ETH Zurich and his earned distinction of Habilitation for "Bioinformatics and Computational Biology" underscore his valuable contributions to the field.

Social Media

Linda Studer, MSc

Co-founder, CFO and COO

Linda is passionate about supporting scientific experts in digital pathology and life sciences. She plays a crucial role in the Computational Pathology group at Radboudumc in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Completing her Ph.D. at the University of Fribourg, she specializes in applying graph-based methods to histopathology. Her interdisciplinary background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and a Master’s degree in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology from the University of Bern, Switzerland.

Social Media

Abrinca is an official University of Bern startup.

First customer

Abrinca signs its first contract. This year showcases our dedication to excellence, solidifying our position as a leading force in the genomics industry.

Innovative Resource Award

OpenGenomeBrowser wins the Innovative Resource Award from the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics at the [BC]² conference in Basel.

Incorporation and funding

Abrinca is incorporated in February of 2023 and negotiates an IP agreement with Unitectra.

We receive funding from Venture Kick (Stage 1 and 2) and the STI foundation, and are accepted to the Innosuisse Core Coaching program.

Early achievements

Presentation of OpenGenomeBrowser at conferences results in winning of SIB days poster award and first commercial interest.

Minimum Viable Product

We reach a significant milestone with the successful launch of our minimum viable product (MVP) for Agroscope's genome database, laying the foundation for Abrinca's journey in revolutionizing microbial genomics.